1. Hide Your Online Status From Selected Friends:
So you want to use Facebook chat but don’t want some people to see your online status? Simply open up the Facebook Chat and click on Friends List. Start creating a new list called BlockList.
Once the list is created, add those friends to the list that you want to
appear offline to. When the list is complete, hover your mouse to the
little green icon adjacent to the list and click Go Offline. Bingo! You will now appear offline to everybody in the BlockList.
2. View a Friend’s Profile Without Messy Applications:
If you are like me, you often get annoyed by the dozens of silly applications that people have added to their profile. Here’s
a Grease Monkey script that allows you to view any profile without all
those applications. Remember: the Mozilla Firefox web browser is a
prerequisite for running Greasemonkey.
3. Display Your Facebook Status On Your WordPress Blog:
Want to display your Facebook status updates on your WordPress blog? There is a plugin that does exactly that. StatusPress lets you display your status updates to a widget on your WordPress blog.
4. Access Facebook Chat Through Your Desktop:
No need to go to Facebook.com if all you want to do is use Facebook
chat. You can do it right from your desktop using clients like social.im , Adium or ChitChat.
5. Update Facebook Status From Firefox:
If you are a firefox addict you don’t need to use any other software to update your Facebook status. Simply install the FireStatus add-on and update your status right from your browser. You can also use the Facebook Toolbar to completely manage Facebook from your Firefox browser.
6. Create A Photo Collage From Pictures Of Your Facebook Friends:
Easily create a photo collage from profile pictures of all your Facebook friends using a simple Facebook app called Photo Collage.
7. Add A New friend But Hide It From Your Status Update:
A great tutorial by Tim Watson walks you through the process of hiding specific actions from your status updates.
8. Schedule Facebook Messages To Be Send Later:
If you want to schedule your Facebook messages to be send sometime in the future, Sendible is a great tool to do that. You can also use Sendible to schedule your status updates.
9. How To Share Flickr Photos On Facebook:
My Flickr
is a Facebook application that lets you display your Flickr photos and
photo sets on Facebook so your friends can view and comment on them
without leaving Facebook.
10. How To Download Facebook Photo Albums:
Ever felt the need to download complete photo albums from Facebook. You
can easily do it with either a Windows desktop application named FotoBounce or a great Firefox add-on FacePad.
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